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The purpose of this laboratory is to provide students with practical knowledge and hands-on experience in experimental techniques commonly used in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Students will gain hands on experience with:


  • Schlenk line technique

  • Glovebox manipulation

  • Magnetic susceptibility measurements

  • Cyclic voltammetry

  • X-ray crystallography


…and much more! Inorganic compounds chosen for synthesis and characterization will introduce students to some of the major areas of current inorganic research including bioinorganic, organometallic chemistry, metal-metal bonds, and classical coordination chemistry. Unlike traditional teaching laboratories, this course does not have a laboratory manual. Instead, students are given target molecules along with a list of literature references and questions. Based on the literature, students must decide on the best experimental procedure for each assignment; course work is designed to help guide students through experiments. Through this course students will learn research independence, while being introduced to common inorganic experimental techniques.




Texas A&M University

Department of Chemistry

P.O. Box 30012

College Station, TX 77840

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